Mitsuwa is one of the leading suppliers of magnesium injection parts and has been operating the Thixomolding process in Japan and Thailand since 1998. We manufacture various mass-produced items and prototypes for electronic and automotive parts.
Mg Frame of mirror less Single Lens Reflex Camera
Advantages of Production Capacity and Ability
Mitsuwa owns three Magnesium Injection plant in Japan and Thailand. Injection molding is the most common method manufacturing mass product. Herein Thailand, Mitsuwa has advantage of large production line and capacity
Magnesium Factory 1
Magnesium Factory 2
Thixomolding Injection M/C
Robot Drill
Machining Center
Machine List
Advanced Inspection Tool
Microscope x1000 Micron
3D Scanner
3D Scanner
Robot Scan
Potential Components Parts (By Magnesium Injection)
We can handle inspections including the overall shape using a non-contact 3D scanner. Stable quality can be ensured by high-precision scanning such as complicated shapes with glossy objects and deep holes, and blade-shaped edges